hi!! hello!! hi!!

wowie, you found my website! well, in that case, the name's ashton (he/him, it/its, bun/buns, plush/plushs)! i'm just a lil bunny boy/bunny plushie out on the internet :3

i'm not... the greatest at this whole intro stuff- i'll probably get around to all of this eventually. in the meantime, you can check out all the other parts of my site that are linked on the site map! or you can check out some of the other places that you can find me!

i've got a site button if you wanna link back to me, be sure to host it from your own site instead of hotlinking incase anything happens to the original image! :3

silly webrings

check out these cool webrings i'm apart of! :D

Transmasculine Pride Webring

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flags used for the xenic webring: bunnyplushgender, goobergender

other fun sites

pspsps go check out these other cool sites (i got some of my stamps from a lot of them)